Shar has been making good progress with all her therapy. She has really improved the strength and control of her right hand and has even started to trace letters. Her signature is a mess and would've been so easy to forge if it looked like this when my sister and I were in high school :)! In OT, she has been working on getting a shower by herself and other daily tasks like getting out of bed. Her strength has been coming back, but the process is slower than we would like. She wants to be up and moving right now but she still deals with exhaustion.
In PT, Shar is also making good progress. She has been working on using her walker and has started to work on steps and curbs. Some of the work is done in her room, but she does typically go to the gym almost every day.
This weekend Mindy is coming down from Connecticut again. Hopefully Shar is prepared to work, since Mindy is the ultimate task-master. When she was down last weekend and Shar was getting tired, Mindy reminded her of the countless hours that she would sit next to us making us practice the piano. So you know what they say about paybacks...